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White Rabbit Red Rabbit Tickets

White Rabbit Red Rabbit is unlike any other play being performed today. It stars one actor, a different person for each performance. The actor is not given the script or any information about the play in advance. He or she is handed the script and performs it for the audience without having the opportunity to read and rehearse it first.

The play was written by Nassim Soleimanpour, an Iranian author. White Rabbit Red Rabbit has been performed by Nathan Lane, Whoopi Goldberg, Patrick Wilson, Brian Dennehy, Cynthia Nixon, and others.

The play allows the performers to ad lib if they want. The actor portrays an animal that is pretending to be another (not a rabbit). Parts of the play also involve audience participation. The play is intended to be a conversation among the playwright, actor, and audience. White Rabbit Red Rabbit ends with the actor’s possible death. Most reviewers have resisted the urge to reveal too much about the story.


“Any worthy theatrical experience is, on some level, a dive down into a rabbit hole, where the destination is unknown, even if we know the play well. The distinction of White Rabbit Red Rabbit is that the performer moves right alongside us on the journey.” – Charles Isherwood, The New York Times

“[White Rabbit Red Rabbit] is steeped in self-referencing and metaphorical tales about animals, and builds to several surprisingly emotional peaks about the shared experience of art.” – Joe McGovern, Entertainment Weekly

Meaning of the Play

The play is an implicit statement on the limitations that people in Iran and other authoritarian societies have to deal with on a daily basis. It also indirectly addresses the oppression of women in some Muslim countries, as well as alienation and the tendency to obey authority.

The title is a reference to an experiment the author’s uncle performed in which he had hungry rabbits compete for one carrot. The title is a metaphor for the ways people respond when living under an authoritarian regime and is a broader statement about human behavior.

Soleimanpour wrote the play in 2010 when he was not allowed to leave Iran because of his status as a conscientious objector. It has been performed around the world in several languages.

Order Tickets to White Rabbit Red Rabbit

White Rabbit Red Rabbit is a play like nothing you have ever seen before. With each actor performing the play only once without reading it in advance and given the opportunity to improvise, each performance is unique. To see White Rabbit Red Rabbit, order tickets from OnBroadway.com today.